Registration Form 1Apply now2Registration form3Guidelines & Agreement4Link to Police Vetting & Upload docs Thank you very much for your keen interest to be a homestay family. We’d love to have you onboard to host students. Please go through each step in order to complete the registration process. You will need to: 1. Complete the registration form 2. Agree to the guidelines & agreement 3. Complete a Vetting Service Request & Consent form for all adults who are 18 years of age or over in the household. Only complete section 2 & sign section 3. 4. Upload completed vetting forms for each person 5. Upload two (2) forms of ID, one primary and one secondary (one must be photographic). Primary ID's include: Passport (NZ or Overseas), NZ Driver License, NZ Full Birth Certificate, NZ Citizenship Certificate Secondary ID's include: 18+ card, Overseas driver licence, Community services card, NZ-issued utility bill or bank statement 6. Upload family photo Once we receive the completed documents, we will be in touch to arrange a convenient time for a homestay visit. We look forward to meeting you soon! The Team @ Happy Homestay Name(Required) First Last Title(Required) Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/MsNationality(Required) AddressHouse Number(Required) Street Name(Required) Suburb(Required) Postcode(Required) How long have you lived at the above address?(Required) How long have you lived in New Zealand?(Required) Contact DetailsTelephone (Home)(Required)Mobile(Required)Email(Required) Emergency Contact PersonWhom is not living with you.Name(Required) Emergency Contact PersonRelationship(Required) Emergency Contact PersonPhone Number(Required)Student InformationLength of Student's stay(Required) Short stay (1-12 weeks) Long stay (13+ weeks) NO preference Do you prefer(Required) Male students Female students NO preference Willingness to host students under the age of 18(Required) Yes No Any nationality preference?(Required) Yes No If Yes Please state the nationality preference Smoking/ AlcoholDo any members living in your home smoke?(Required) Yes No Would you host a student who smokes?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please state any restrictions Is it acceptable for the student to drink alcohol in your home (18+yrs)?(Required) Yes No FoodDoes your family have any dietary requirements?(Required) Yes No Eg, vegetarian, gluten free etcIf Yes, please state Would you willing to host a student with dietary requirements?(Required) Yes No AccommodationHow many rooms do you have available for homestay?(Required)Specify: Single RoomDouble RoomTwin RoomFamily InformationFamily(Required)NameD.O.BNationalityOccupation Add RemovePlease list all people residing at your address (including yourself):Does your family have pets?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please state type of pet/s and name/s Have you hosted international students before?(Required) Yes No If Yes, please state how long you've hosted and what nationality of students you’ve had: Please list family interests & activities(Required) Add RemoveWhat type of food/cuisine(s) do you generally prepare at home?(Required) Are all family members 18 years and over double vaccinated?(Required) Yes No ReligionBelow questions are optionalWhat is your religion and denomination? How often do you attend religions services? How would you feel hosting a student with a different religion or attending a place of worship other than your own? Bank DetailsFor depositing homestay paymentsAccount Name(Required) Bank(Required) Account Number:(Required) Consent(Required) I agree to the Guidelines & Agreement By ticking the box above, you have read, understand and agree to the conditions stated in the guidelines & agreement. Please read the Guidelines & Agreement Complete a Vetting Service Request & Consent form for all adults who are 18 years of age or over in the household. and upload the document using the field below. Upload two (2) forms of ID, one primary and one secondary (one must be photographic). Primary ID's include: Passport (NZ or Overseas), NZ Driver License, NZ Full Birth Certificate, NZ Citizenship Certificate Secondary ID's include: 18+ card, Overseas driver licence, Community services card, NZ-issued utility bill or bank statement Upload docs Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 6. Upload a family photoMax. file size: 2 MB.